
Wednesday 25 December 2013


Wow. It's been a while.

Even with the best of intentions to post regularly, this somehow slipped off my radar. I guess life got in the way a bit, because it has been a busy six months. Four jobs (at the same time), a beautiful wedding and a mini-moon later, I am sitting here with a swollen eye (post-op) thinking that now is a good time to get back into this. 

Christmas has been pretty lovely this year. I underwent eye surgery about a week ago to mend a detached retina, something I had no idea about but which I've since been told is fairly common. While this was of course unexpected and threw most of our Christmas plans out, it has actually meant that I've had to slow down and just relax at this time of year. I'm incredibly lucky to have wonderful people around me, who have made the recovery process much easier. My amazing husband (we're still trying to get used to our new titles) has been especially caring, which has just reinforced to me how fortunate I am. xx